Electric leisure boats set the course for the green transition

The electrification of boats and the spread of public charging points are crucial for the green transition of the marine sector. Electric boats offer a quieter and cleaner experience, contributing to both a lower carbon footprint and increased enjoyment at sea. Through the go:LEIF project, the coasts of Skagerrak are now being electrified.

Lysekil föfirst with super-fast chargers foröfor båt

At the end of May, Lysekil reached a new milestone when the municipality installed its first super-fast charger for boats, part-funded by go:LEIF. The Port of Lysekil is one of the project's partner ports, along with Grefab's ports in Gothenburg and Arendal in Norway.

– Elektrifieringen ställer krav på kraftnätet och infrastrukturen i hamnarna, varpå vi studerar styrning, synergier med andra verksamheter, samt lösningar för lokal elproduktion med solcellspaneler och batterilagring, säger Peter Berg, projektledare för go:LEIF.

For the ports of the future with a larger stock of electric boats, we have challenges to tackle, especially in terms of power supply and power control. At the same time, the boating season occurs at a time of year when general power consumption is lower, as the need to heat homes decreases during the summer and industries are on vacation.

- "Thanks to the collaboration with ports, municipalities, industry, technology experts and researchers, we now have the chance to explore our options," says Peter.

Peter Berg, projektledare på Innovatum Science Park som driver projektet go:LEIF

The super fast charger in Lysekil harbor has a charging power of over 150 kW and is unique in its kind as it offers charging for both boats and cars in combination. The strategic location at Rosvik Square in the southern harbor also provides optimal conditions in terms of accessibility and exposure.

New generation boating - sound, smell and emission free

Elbåten erbjuder en tystare och renare upplevelse som både bidrar till ett lägre klimatavtryck och en ökad njutning på sjön. Vi ser också nya affärsmodeller i antågande.
– Jag kan tänka mig att det blir allt vanligare för nästa generations båtförare att hyra båt med mobilen från en båtpool, snarare än att investera i sin egen båt, säger Madeleine Lilja, projektledare på Business Region Göteborg. Alla har inte råd och tid att serva sina båtar, och många betalar hellre för upplevelsen under säsong än att låta båten bli stående oanvänd större delen av året.

Another example for future development could be like in Florida where it is popular with shelf systems, so-called "dry stack storage" where you store your recreational boat when it is not in use. In the future, you may also be able to connect your electric boat to a powerful battery storage that can strengthen the local grid on site. This is something that we in the Nordics can learn from and look into in the future! 

The charging map shows you whereäway to aänext station

To further simplify for boat owners to find charging opportunities today and in the future, go:LEIF is developing a charging map with places where you can charge your boat, from Gothenburg in Sweden to Kristiansand in Norway. The charging map can be found here on elbat.org.

The go:LEIF project is financed with EU funds through the Interreg ÖKS program Read more at innovatumsciencepark.se/projekt/goleif/.

Article published in SvD's boating supplement, Båtlivet June 2024.