Charging map for electric boats launched
In the middle of the high season for boating, a popular charging map for electric boats has been launched. The charging map is the only one of its kind and covers the Swedish and Norwegian coasts along the Skagerrak. This is an important milestone in the work towards more sustainable and electrified boating.
– Bakgrunden till att vi tar fram kartan är att vi ser ett behov av laddkartor för båt precis som det idag redan finns för bil. Nu lanserar vi en första version och kartan kommer sedan uppdateras löpande efter hand som laddinfrastrukturen växer, säger Madeleine Lilja, som är projektledare på Business Region Göteborg och som arbetar med näringslivsutvecklande insatser inom ramen för projektet go:LEIF.
Go:LEIF is an EU-funded collaborative project that aims to drive the green transition at sea through electrification, smart technology and sustainable business models. The project will create the conditions for establishing a charging route for electric boats in marinas along the coast from Gothenburg to Kristiansand in Norway.
- The charging map is a result of the dialogues we have had with several different players in the market to see how we can work together to make existing charging points visible to consumers.
Peter Berg, projektledare för go:LEIF och innovationsledare på Innovatum Science Park i Trollhättan.
Bild: Invigning av snabbladdare i Lysekil
A well-developed charging infrastructure will be crucial for more people to consider buying an electric boat or converting their existing boat to an electric powertrain. The number of older boats switching to electric motors is increasing and is perhaps the fastest growing market along with electric outboards for smaller boats.
In the long run, being able to charge only in your home port will not be enough for those boat owners who appreciate spending longer time at sea. The demand for public chargers for electric boats is not yet so great, but if the transition at sea follows the development of electric cars, demand will increase in the coming years. For those who invest in charging equipment and service development in this area, it is obviously critical that the chargers are actually used and thus also made visible to electric boat owners.
More public charging points for electric boats
A 150 kW fast charger was installed on the jetty at Rosvikstorg in Lysekil at the end of May and, just in time for midsummer, a range of services for charging leisure boats opened in Gothenburg. Saltholmen got a public charger of 22 kW and in Hinsholmen the outermost jetty has been fully electrified for both home charging and visiting boats.
Bakom installationen i Lysekil står Lysekils kommun tillsammans med det kommunala energibolaget LEVA och installationerna i Göteborg står Göteborgsregionens Fritidshamnar GRAFAB för. Satsningarna på att elektrifiera fritidsbåtshamnarna i Göteborg och Lysekil är också en del av samverkansprojektet och delfinansieras av EU och Västra Götalandsregionen.
– Visionen är att vi ska inspirera och på olika sätt bidra till ett pärlband av laddmöjligheter längs kusten mellan Göteborg och Strömstad, in i Oslofjorden och vidare söderut på andra sidan Skagerrak till norska Agder. En fungerande laddinfrastruktur för fritidsbåtar, helt enkelt, säger Madeleine Lilja.